Posts in Late Talkers
Know the signs: are my toddler's speech and language skills delayed?

As parents and teachers of young children, we have a lot to worry about. We are constantly keeping track of how well our children or students eat, sleep, move, grow and learn. But do you know the signs of a speech and language delay?

By treating the symptoms of communication disorders early, treatment is often less expensive and takes less time. So, don’t just worry about it—take action!

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Rainy day activities in Western Massachusetts to Support Language Learning and Development

It’s springtime and the snow is giving way to rain! It’s best to be prepared for those rainy days with some great rainy day activities that will encourage speech and language development as well. You might as well get some speech and language work done if you’re going to be stuck inside!

 Check out these fun rainy day activities for families and kids that will promote good speech and language skills around Northampton, Easthampton, Amherst and the rest of the Pioneer Valley.

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